Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The sky is dark and and swollen with clouds.And your throat hurts ,a large unpalatable lump of life got stuck there and its hard to swallow.The wind softly lifted the paper and polythene bags of the street and sent them swinging madly in the air ,along with your thoughts.And that ominous silence ..its too loud and you dont want to hear.
Its growing louder and darker and heavier.And weighing down on you when it suddenly bursts with violence.It had to.The tears come and soon the sky lightens and you can see the sun.


rhea said...

better and better. i like the part about the polythene bags. have u seen 'American Beauty' ? I didn't like the movie on the whole, but there was a scene with a polythene bag drifting in wind that i liked very much. This gives me the same feeling, like the bag, adrift somehow.

Jayatri said...

hey...well a little like mine...i wrote mine before urs

joey said...

rhea john will u stop handing out all that extravagant praise.i asked you to be critical

Shalmi said...

no noo.... i liked your fish story better. and the thing about the hideous girl with the bad hair. i'm sure the polythene bags were interesting but these little detail fly over my head. like stray feathers from a moulting crow.