Sunday, September 13, 2009

Some Poetry

Some poetry
Flows from fingertips.
And some from knuckle


Anushka said...

And some from hair-frizzing, matha-kharapi concentration.

But I like this :D Or should I call it a wee bit Stephenian? *wink*
Achha, Why isn't that a universally acknowledged stereotype? It's unfair.

Raii said...

Anushka,"Stephanian"!!! no way! you should have seen the way some stephanians treated poetry at a seminar...there were two who fell off to sleep and a teacher who complained that it was too boring for her owing to which she left midway! Be in no illusion about the "Stephenia spirit"!

Shalmi said...

This seems like reflection versus spontaneity to me.

Wordsworth versus Hughes. Guess who wins.

topshe said...

Short and too the point. However pointless it may seem.

PS. Please check and comment on blog. My blog, I mean. Not yours.

topshe said...

I meant 'to' the point.

joey said...

@ shalmi-guess.
@ topshe-Will gladly.Just that you post once in a blue moon.Tai..

Clezevra said...

This is so nice... I can never write short poetry... which one was this, by the way?

Clezevra said...

PS: I just read your A For...? and I think it is brilliant... You will not believe that I have been thinking about this for a very long time! Of course, it doesn't answer the question, but... it captures it very well!

Clezevra said...

And... yes, I'm going crazy, bear with me... I love your 'about me' description. Little Prince is a lovely book!
I would have said disfigured mass though.