Friday, June 15, 2007

Beside a small ungaurded lake in north calcutta a policeman keeps watch.Often a desperate or frustrated character comes along and tries to drown himself .Our hero swiftly jumps into the water and rescues him.Every time ,with unerring precision.The papers have to say that people have given up trying to commit suicide in that lake altogether ,it being such a fruitless exercise.While the policeman ..he makes headlines and recieves bravery awards.
I wonder ,dear reader how you are reacting to this glorified protector of law and order.I personally would love to dunk him in that very lake awards and all for being such a supercilious ass.And to curb his infuriating and interfering ways.


rhea said...

i'd like to drown him in it... if ppl have miserable lives and want to be idiots and let it go, he is just being uuterly cruel stopping them. it's like the punishment for attempted suicide being life imprisonment... 20 interminable years of just what u tried to get away from... they'll make sure they do it right when they get out, that's all.... personally, i always thot the punishment should have been the death penalty...

joey said...

well yes ..thats what i meant...

Shalmi said...

i read that article.. how hilaaarious. in a cruel way, it's true. you know how they say "its your life, live it!" all enthusiastically. well, it's your life if you want to end it as well, isn't it.

punishment for attempted suicide is life imprisonment??

complete abuse of human rights, that.